
The domestic pigeon (Columba livia) is the oldest domesticated bird, first tamed over 10,000 years ago, and all city pigeons in the United States are descended from escaped domestic flocks. It was primarily kept as a meat bird, until it was displaced by factory farmed chicken. Most pigeons these days are kept for racing and homing (for which they have an amazing ability), or as companion animals.


  • Young pigeons that haven't feathered in are called chicks.

  • After a chick mostly feathers in, but before it fledges it is called a squab.

  • After a squab fledges it's called a squeaker.

  • Females under a year old are called young hens, and over a year old are old hens.

  • Males under a year old are called young cocks, and over a year old are old cocks.

  • A group of pigeons is called a flock.

  • Housing for pigeons is called a loft.

Basic Numbers

  • 18 days until eggs hatch.

  • 4-5 weeks until ready to harvest.

  • 21-26 weeks until laying.

  • 30 weeks until full maturity.

  • 6-15 years average life span.